Nature study

Ermistu Nature Centre

The nature center on the shores of Lake Ermistu is waiting for all nature lovers to get acquainted with our surroundings, both on land and in the water. Curricula for schools and kindergartens are practical, complementary programs to the school curriculum that raise environmental awareness and teach different methods and tools for nature research. The diverse nature and location of the cemetery have created all the prerequisites for collecting and sharing practical natural knowledge.

Instructions for the teacher

The content and duration of the program can be adjusted according to the needs of the target group by prior agreement. The main task of the teacher is to prepare the children for the field study, which includes prior explanation of the content of the upcoming field study program and ensuring that the students have suitable clothing for the field study. Prior information work is important to encourage children to take an active part in the program and to ensure that they are more involved. Changing and canceling a visit: If you miss a scheduled visit or want to change the time of the program, let us know as early as possible. Reservations cannot be canceled less than 14 days before the program.

Study programmes

In total, we have three different nature study programmes. All study programmes are meant for pupils at the stage of study I–III. With prior agreement, programmes can be adapted for upper secondary school pupils and pre-school children.

Fish survey

The fish research programme introduces Estonian fishery and fish species. The main objects of study are the fish of Lake Ermistu: perch, roach, bream, pike. In addition, major sea fish are also studied: European sprat, Baltic herring, zander, garfish; permanent slides about the structure of fish are examined.
Location: Ermistu Holiday Village
Subjects: environmental protection, water, fish, fishing, fish food
Group size: 15 people
Target group: Pupils in stage of study I–II
Duration (in hours): 1 h
Location of the programme: Lake Ermistu
Time: autumn/spring
Equipment: autopsy equipment, illustrations, fish from Lake Ermistu, important sea fish, permanent slides
Cost: €270

Fishing for beginners

We learn about the rules of recreational fishing, and get to know the most common fishing tackle and techniques, as well as safety techniques. We conduct simpler nature observations: weather, water temperature, oxygen content, transparency, connection to fish.
Location:  Ermistu Holiday Village
Subjects: water, fish, fishing, fishing gear, fishing regulations, environmental protection
Group size: 15 people
Target group: Students in stages I-II
Duration (in hours): 1.5-2 h
Location of the programme: Lake Ermistu
Time: autumn/spring
Equipment: fishing gear, illustrations, fish from Lake Ermistu  
Cost: €225

Lake Ermistu

Lake Ermistu has an interesting history, with special flora, fauna and peloid. We will discuss biodiversity, environmental protection, and sustainable development, learning to notice the correlation between man and nature.

Location: Ermistu Holiday Village
Subjects: lake biota, peloid, protected area, eutrophication and maintenance of water bodies
Group size: 12 people
Target group: Pupils in stage of study I–II
Duration(in hours): 1.5 h
Time:  autumn/spring
Equipment: hand nets, magnifying glasses, fishing boxes, tweezers, test tubes, water samples, indicator paper 
Cost: €210

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